Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Moving Gregory
On October 1, we officially closed the transition house.
The week before we spent most of the week helping the kids move their belongings to their homes. Each of them either found family members to go live with or went in with one or two others to rent a room. One of them, Natacha, even moved to the Dominican Republic to continue with the small business she had begun, buying and selling used clothing, toiletries and gift items.
Musset has been blessed with the opportunity to go to a local university and study general engineering and architecture. His step-mother offered for him to come live with her and her two children.
Franqueline has 2 years left to finish in a vocational program (sewing). When she finished she will be able to make a living sewing for people. School uniforms are a big business here! She is also starting a small business selling miscellaneous items.
Louslande has one year to finish school and is selling cookies and candies to earn a living in the meantime.
Silionor graduated in June and he and brother Fito are sharing a room they rented. Fito has two years left and Fales has one left to finish high school. Fales bought a small used motorcycle, hired a driver and now has a moto-taxi service.
Gregory is living with his brother Clifford. Clifford is paying for Gregory to finish school. Gregory is observing in his new neighborhood to determine the best small business to get involved with.
Samuel and Shirley still had a good bit of school left. Samuel is living with one of his older brothers and Shirley moved in with a woman in the church.
Even though it was a hard decision to make in closing the house, it in the long term will be what is best for each of these young people. They all have been given a firm foundation on which to stand. Please keep them in your prayers, that they will walk in the ways they have learned.

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