Gregory came up to me after service. Gregory and I have had several conversations about him giving up and giving his life to Christ. He told me a few weeks ago he has been coming to church so he could learn more about Jesus and he was thinking of being baptized. Well, after the service he came up and told me he had been baptized last week!!

We gave Jeff, Gregory and Jacob a ride after services. I told Gregory I needed to take a picture because he is a new person (new creation) and I have a photo of the old Gregory, but needed a pic of the new Gregory. He was all smiles for his photo. Then I took a picture of Jacob and told him I'd need a new one when he became a new creation too. He has been coming to church recently too. We talked about not waiting to long to heed the call of Christ on his life, how each time you hear Jesus call you and each time you ignore Him, your heart becomes a little harder. I had asked one of the other kids recently why he doesn't obey Jesus. His response was that Jesus has not yet called him. I told Jacob that anyone who has heard
the Good News has been called! (Jacob - Above Photo)

Of course I had to get a shot of Jeff too - he said ,"Because I'm just Jeff!"
Iasked each of them if I could share their pictures and our conversations with our supporters and they all agreed. I told Jacob that we would all be praying for him to obey the call that he has heard for his life.