Friday, July 17, 2009

Latrines for Thomazeau

An organization in Thomazeau, which is the closest community to us, approached me a few months ago to help them find funding for community latrine project. This is a local organization of young men and women who want to help improve the living conditions of the population of this area. The name of the group is "The Organization of Devoted Youth for the Development of Thomazeau". They have proposed putting in ten community latrines. Each of these latrines will be 3-4 seaters. The community will provide the labor for digging the pits and will donate $5000 Haitian dollars to the materials cost. With labor and materials, each latrine will cost just about $1000 US. On "my status" on Facebook a couple weeks or so ago, I wrote, "I wonder how many people out in Facebook world would be interested in donating to putting in a latrine in Haiti". I immediately got responses. So I am putting it out there! What if families went in together to raise $1000 for a latrine that would provide a good many people with a more hygienic place to use the restroom? This would help to improve community health. Just think, a latrine in Haiti could be named in honor of your family! How many people can boast of that? So many of us in America have so much more than we need and we take for granted the things we have. What if 10 family units, Life Groups, clubs, youth groups - whoever - got together and put their funds together to build a latrine. Families could give potty dollars instead of Christmas gifts to each other! If you want more details of the breakdown of labor and materials, feel free to contact me. I have a detailed document from the group making this request. Contact me for more info or how to donate! Pass this info along to your family and friends and let's see how many toilets we can provide for Thomazeau!

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